However, basal status of M. clelandii does not get statistical
support. Fig. 1 One of the 9 equally parsimonious trees (L = 448, CI = 0.730, RI = 0.947, HI = 0.270,) obtained in parsimony analysis of ITS sequence data. Terminal taxa represent individual specimens with GenBank accession number, and branch lengths are proportional to the number of steps (character changes) along the branch. Bootstrap support (≥50%) is shown above the branches and clade with posterior probabilities greater than 0.90 is indicated with click here thick branches. Strict consensus tree resulted in the same topology. New sequences generated in this paper are marked with asterisks (*), and other sequences are mainly from Vellinga et al. (2003) and Johnson (1999) In order to distinguish clade names from traditional taxonomic names, clade names are written in lower cases, never italicized, and preceded with the symbol “/”. As shown in Fig. 1, Macrolepiota selleck compound forms a well supported monophyletic group and got strong bootstrap (100%) and bayesian PP supports (1.00). Within Macrolepiota, three clades were recovered. Clade 1, here referred to as /volvatae clade, includes two volvate species, M.
eucharis and M. velosa, this clade got 98 % bootstrap support and 1.00 bayesian PP support. Macrolepiota velosa, described from southern China, is sister to M. eucharis, a species described from Australia. Clade 2, here referred to as /macrosporae clade, includes M. excoriata, M. mastoidea, M.
orientiexcoriata, M. phaeodisca, M. konradii, M. psammophila, and M. subsquarrosa. This clade got 100% bootstrap and 1.00 bayesian PP support. Within this clade, collections Selleckchem Idelalisib of M. mastoidea from China BIBW2992 mw clustered with collections from other areas; M. orientiexcoriata collections from China clustered together and got 64% bootstrap support. Clade 3, here referred to as /macrolepiota clade, includes the generic type M. procera, and its related allies such as M. colombiana, M. detersa, M. dolichaula, M. fuliginosa, M. rhodosperma, and an undescribed species from North America. Macrolepiota clelandii, a species described from Australia which may represent an independent clade (with 100% bootstrap support), formed a sister clade of the core /macrolepiota clade (excluding M. clelandii) and got 51% bootstrap support. For now, we tentatively include it in the /macrolepiota clade. Within this Clade 3, the core /macrolepiota clade received 98% bootstrap support and 1.00 Bayesian posterior probabilities support. Collections of M. procera from China, clustered together with a Japanese collection, forming an East Asian clade. This clade got 80% bootstrap support and 0.99 Bayesian PP support and turns out to be sister to European M. procera. Collections of M.