The CDR system has its roots in the automation of tests in the 1970s1,2 using the early laboratory minicomputers. The full utility of the system was soon realized in the prototypes, which were installed on the early microcomputers, the most successful being the BBC. In
order to facilitate the use of the CDR system worldwide, the system was installed on the IBM PC in the mid-1980s, where it still remains; though it is currently being moved from the DOS to the Windows environment. The system Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical has a range of core tests which can be supplemented by a wide range of additional procedures. It also has the ability to facilitate the administration of traditional tests. The core tests of the system are described in Table I. The keyboard is not used in any test, most,
involving responses made via a customized response module containing YES and NO buttons. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical There are over 50 parallel forms of the tests, which are available in most, languages and are all brief (1 to 3 minutes; although some tasks can be extended for special requirements). Different versions have been developed and validated for volunteer (young and elderly) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and various patient populations.3,4 Testing can be directly linked to an electroencephalograph (EEG) and evoked potential recording in order for behavioral and electrophysiological effects to be integrated.5-8 The utility, reliability, and validity of the system have all been exhaustivelydemonstrated and discussed,3,9-15 and will be further elucidated together with
the widespread data on the sensitivity of the system in the following sections. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The tests available in the CDR system. Screening for unwanted cognitive toxicity Historically, most, types of central nervous system (CNS) drugs, and many Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical others (eg, antihistamines), produced impairments in human cognitive function that, compromise the ability of patients to undertake the activities of daily living. Clearly, in populations where cognitive function is already compromised, eg, elderly, demented, or schizophrenic patients, such effects can pose very serious problems. One potential advantage of many newer medicines under development is that they are relatively free of such unwanted effects. Such effects (or confirmation of their absence) can be sought in the early stages of drug development, and the use of the CDR system in such research will be described for a variety of types of compound. Another possible problem is newmedicines Metalloexopeptidase interacting with other medications or alcohol, and work in this field will also be covered. Phase 1 single and multiple safety and tolerability SP600125 trials Cognitive function testing can be conducted in any phase 1 trial, even first-time-to-man trials.16-18 The selection of tests in the latter type of trial should generally be restricted to core tasks, the battery lasting roughly 15 to 20 minutes. There are several advantages of incorporating cognitive testing into first-time-to-man trials.