Thus, we cannot be certain that the rs-fc differences in this study are attributable to having CM. However, correlations between number of years with CM and atypical rs-fc are highly suggestive that our findings relate to the presence of CM. Because we did not have a cohort of episodic migraine subjects in this study, it is unclear if our findings are specific for CM or are applicable to episodic and CM. Migraine and control groups were not gender matched, potentially introducing a source of bias.[85] Also, subjects were not matched according to measures of anxiety and depression, conditions that may affect rs-fc between
pain regions. Considering the 3 functional connections differing between CM and controls that also correlated with the number of CM years, only one (anterior insula buy PF-6463922 with PAG) also correlated with state anxiety scores. Eight CM subjects were using daily medications considered migraine prophylactic therapies (6 at doses considered sufficient for migraine prophylaxis). To explore the possibility that the use of these medications was driving our results, we performed post hoc analyses comparing rs-fc to the 5 pain ROIs in migraineurs taking prophylactic medications to migraineurs not taking prophylactic medications. There was no anatomic overlap between regions involved in the functional Daporinad mw connections that differed between migraineurs and controls and regions involved in functional
connections that differed in migraineurs taking prophylactics and those not taking prophylactics. Thus, use of migraine prophylactic medications by a proportion of the migraineurs likely had little impact on our results reported herein. Also, CM subjects had a relatively short duration of CM (about 4 years). A longer duration of CM may be associated with more atypical rs-fc of pain regions. CM is associated with interictal atypical rs-fc of affective
pain regions with regions participating selleck in sensory-discriminative, cognitive, and integrative pain functions. Correlations between years with CM and the strength of some of these atypical functional connections suggest a causal relationship, although the direction of this relationship is uncertain. Atypical rs-fc of affective pain regions might relate to the abnormal affective processing of potentially painful stimuli and atypical affective responses to painful stimuli that are characteristic of CM. Studies comparing episodic migraine and CM and longitudinal studies are needed to determine if atypical rs-fc is a result of having CM or if atypical rs-fc predisposes the individual to developing CM. “
“To investigate if a headache frequency of 15 days per month constitutes a turning point in the psychosocial impairment associated with migraine. Migraine is differentiated into episodic and chronic forms based on a headache frequency criterion (< vs ≥15 headache days per month).