smegmatis involves the participation of three genes: trpE2 codes

smegmatis involves the participation of three genes: trpE2 codes for isochorismate synthase and entC and entD code for salicylate synthase (Nagachar & Ratledge, 2010). Knockout mutants of each of these genes, as well as a double knockout, entDtrpE2, were produced and studied (Nagachar & Ratledge, 2010). As has been observed previously (Brown & Ratledge, 1975; Adilakshmi et al., 2000), PAS is less inhibitory to mycobacteria when they are grown under iron-deficient conditions and this was confirmed in this present work (Fig. 1). This, we suggest, is due Dasatinib to iron-deficiently grown cells being upregulated for mycobactin biosynthesis as part of the response to

iron deprivation and that this includes an increase in salicylate

synthesis. Therefore, if our proposal is correct that PAS is an antisalicylate compound, then, because there will be more copies of the salicylate-metabolizing enzymes present in E7080 mouse iron-deficient cells than in iron-sufficient ones, the efficacy of PAS will be substantially decreased by iron deficiency. However, it was very surprising that the hypersensitivity of the salicylate knockout mutants to PAS was observed under all growth conditions (Fig. 1). Complete inhibition of growth of mutants was achieved (Fig. 1b) under iron-sufficient conditions and 90–95% inhibition under iron-deficient conditions by 1 μg PAS mL−1 (Fig. 1a), whereas the growth of the wild type was only 50% inhibited with 400 μg PAS mL−1 (Fig. 1c) under iron-deficient conditions. The results given in Fig. 1 and elsewhere were taken from cells grown for 7 days, which corresponded

PRKD3 to the maximum growth yield; growth (as the OD600 nm) was, however, monitored daily and similar patterns of inhibition were observed on each occasion, but the maximum effect was at the end of growth, which is therefore recorded here. These results, shown in Fig. 2, once more provide strong evidence that the mechanism of action of PAS is connected with salicylate metabolism probably by inhibiting its conversion to mycobactin, which is clearly indicated by the accumulation of salicylate. If PAS were to inhibit salicylate biosynthesis, then it should decrease the synthesis of salicylate, but if it blocks salicylate conversion to mycobactin, then the accumulation of salicylate should increase. To determine whether PAS leads to an increased or a decreased production of salicylate, and thus to establish its likely site of action, the wild type and mutants were grown iron deficiently with a subinhibitory concentration of PAS (0.5 μg mL−1) and the amounts of salicylate produced were then determined spectrofluorimetrically. The results (Fig. 2) showed a clear increase in salicylate accumulation when the wild type and mutants were treated with PAS, suggesting that the action of PAS lies after the formation of salicylate and is therefore in the subsequent conversion of salicylate to mycobactin.

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