In spite of their Seliciclib in vivo potential as regulators of myocardial remodeling, thyroid abnormalities have not been sufficiently studied in terms of myocardial changes in CKD patients or experimental models of uremia. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of thyroxin supplementation on expression of mir-208 as well
as of hypertrophy-related proteins and mechanisms of fibrosis in the myocardium of rats with induced CKD. Male Sprague Dawley rats weighing 250–300 g were studied. Rats were allowed free access to standard chow (5008 Purina chow, Purina SA, Mexico) and tap water and were housed under controlled humidity and temperature with a 12-h light-dark cycle. Four groups of animals with at least eight rats each were formed. Group C, sham-operated rats, served as controls: Group 5/6Nx, rats with chronic kidney disease induced by 5/6 nephrectomy; Group 5/6Nx + T4, 5/6Nx rats supplemented with L-thyroxine; Group Tx, thyroidectomized rats. 5/6Nx was performed as previously reported (23). In group 5/6Nx + T4, thyroxin (T4) (8 μg/kg/day) (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO)
was administered intraperitoneally. Hypothyroidism was surgically induced in animals of Tx group. Rats were anesthetized with xylazine-ketamine and the thyroid gland was dissected and excised. Parathyroid PI3K inhibitor glands were dissected and implanted into the sternocleidomastoid muscles. Rats were followed for 8 weeks after the last surgery. Blood pressure was measured weekly by a non-invasive method in the tail (CODA 2 system model; Kent Scientific Corporation, Torrington, CT). At the end of follow-up, rats were weighed and sacrificed using pentobarbital. Blood samples were taken, plasma was separated and kept frozen at −20°C until biochemical Hydroxychloroquine analysis, and the heart was removed and weighed. Left ventricle (LV) samples were prepared and stored in 10% formaldehyde and in physiological solution until assayed. Serum samples were assayed for creatinine by standard methods in a clinical chemistry analyzer
(Syncron CX5, Beckman, Fullerton, CA), and plasma assayed for T3 and T4 by ELISA with commercial kits (Milliplex Cat RTHY-30K, Billerica, MA). LV fragments fixed in 10% formaldehyde were embedded in paraffin, cut in 4-μm-thick slices and stained using Masson’s trichromic method (24). Histological analysis was done using an Olympus BX51 microscope (Olympus American, Melville, NY) at different enlargement degrees and images digitalized and recorded with a VR Evolution half cybernetic digital camera (Madison, WI). Image analysis was done by using a color imaging Image-Pro Plus software v.5.1. Results are expressed as average of pixels for areas of fibrosis (stained blue with Masson trichrome) with the selected color in useful areas that were digitized at 10X recorded in 50 fields.