For each pair, the trigger cell was marked as cell 2. Its spike times were used to average its own Vm (red, intrinsic Vm STA) or Vm of the other cell in the pair (cell 1, blue, cross-neuron Vm STA). Note
that these Vm STAs were derived from unfiltered visually evoked activity; during spontaneous activity too few spikes were available for computing reliable Vm STAs (for an example that compares spontaneous and evoked cross-neuron Vm STAs, see Figure S5). In all pairs, the onset of the cross-neuron Vm STAs preceded the spike time, arguing against the possibility that these Vm STAs were caused by a direct monosynaptic input from the trigger cell, which should instead have an onset after trigger time, a rapid rising phase and a slow decay phase (Bruno and Sakmann, 2006). In every pair, the shape of the cross-neuron Vm Lumacaftor supplier STA resembled that of the intrinsic Vm STA, albeit with Everolimus smaller amplitude, indicating that the fast Vm fluctuations are responsible for eliciting spikes and are correlated between neurons (Figures 6A–6E, compare blue to red traces). For each pair, we also scaled the cross-neuron Vm STA and compared its shape with the shape of Vm cross-correlation (Figures 6A–6E, bottom). The shape of cross-neuron Vm STA was similar to the shape of Vm cross-correlation
with a small narrowing and small offsets in the rising phase and peak time, which would be expected given that spikes are preferentially elicited during the rising phase of the response. These observations are consistent with the proposal that Vm synchrony can lead to a Vm STA similar to ASEP (for a similar finding
on local field potential, Sitaxentan see Okun et al., 2010). So far we have focused on describing pairs of complex cells recorded from the superficial layers of V1 (200–600 μm depth). We also asked whether Vm synchrony exists across different cortical layers, in particular, between layer 4 (and deep layer 3), where thalamic afferents terminate and simple cells dominate, and layer 2/3, which is considered to be a subsequent stage of cortical processing and mostly contains complex cells that do not receive direct geniculate inputs (Alonso and Martinez, 1998 and Gilbert, 1977). We recorded six pairs that each contained one simple and one complex cell. One pair (pair 10), in which the two cells had the same orientation preference, is illustrated in Figures 7A–7F. The orientation tuning for the simple cell was derived from the F1 component of Vm, and for the complex cell from the mean Vm, or DC component (Figure 7A). Since the electrode tips were close to one another in the horizontal direction, the cells were probably located in the same orientation column but in different layers. Compared to the complex cell pairs seen earlier, this pair showed much lower Vm correlation in the absence of stimulation (Figure 7B, first row).