The present study conmed a higher CDI for Opgen than for Fig. Genotoxicity of the Danube River sediment extract from Sigmaringen after 4 h and 8 h exposure to different concentrations in theet assay with RTL cells. Data are given as box plo displaying the following percentiles: Pazopanib 5 and 5 , 0 and 0 as well as and 5 . Central solid lines represent medians. Asterisks indicate signi ant genotoxic effects . For each concentrati induction factors are given above the boxes. NC negative controls; PC positive controls . J. Environ. Monit. GeneTE this is due to the fact that minor differences in EC x values and EC x MNNG values derived from tail moment and percent tail DNA data may lead to major differences when their quotient is calculated in order to give GeneTEQs.
parison of the concepts of the CDI and the GeneTEQ In light of an environment polluted with persistent chemica interpretation of genotoxicity data is important not only concerning shorttime effects of highly concentrated genotoxins to aquaticanisms in vivo and in vitr Magnolol inhibitor but also effects of chronic exposure to low concentrations. A connection between genotoxici mutagenesis and carcinogenesis is often at hand. Both the CDI and the GeneTEQ can be tools in this regard. As cell death leads to DNA degradation and can give rise to DNA migration in theet ass it is necessary to include cytotoxicity assessment inet data interpretation. 9 Th for both the GeneTEQ and the CDI concep cytotoxicity testing is required prior toet assays in order to avoid an overlap of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects.
Having determined the LO there is information lacking about the severity of effects and about the concentrationresponse relationship of genotoxins above this value. On the other ha the IF max possibly provides no data about lower genotoxin concentrations relevant to the environment. Both the Daidzin 552669 CDI and the GeneTEQ ovee the disadvantages of the LOEC and the IF ma since theybine information about severity and concentration dependence of effects. CDIs are onlyparable if they are calculated for the same number of concentrations tested. This restriction is due to the mathematical calculation rule of the CDI. The GeneT in contra is calculated for effect levels and not for the entire range of tested concentrations or single concentrations. Th it does not depend on the number of concentrations tested.
It could be demonstrated that NQO showed very high GeneTEQs 0 because of effects at very low concentrations . Th as holds true for the CDI approa an overestimation of low concentrations might occur using buy Ergosterol the GeneTEQ. On the other ha lowconcentration effects are particularly relevant to genetic embryo toxicology. Th emphasis of lowconcentration effects might even be wee in ecological terms. Howev in most cas minor effects at low This journal is a The Royal Society of Chemistry Downloaded by New York University on 0 March Published on 8 February on | XML Template K:/LUP/LUP d Lupus , lup.sagepub PAPER Fertility preservation methods in young women with systemic lupus erythematosus prior to cytotoxic therapy: experiences from the Ferti Protekt network M Henes .