Ns for both TMC and CFZ to adsorb in vitro experiments to simulate the contribution of drugs. Initial experiments were Mycobacterium smegmatis used before the results with the best HRV of M. tuberculosis CONFIRMS. Activated carbon powder was added to the agar before autoclaving H and the addition of antibiotics and selective OADC. CFZ and TMC were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide ARQ 197 Tivantinib St and in phosphate-buffered saline Solution. Dilutions in the range of Serialfold. gml were prepared to Erlenmeyer flask INML, so that the concentration of DMSO does not exceed. Bottles contr The free drug were also prepared. Were fl schchen Then mixed with aliquots of the diluted culture contains broth Lt approximatelyandCFU M. smegmatis or M. tuberculosis. Serial after mixing.
ml aliquots were spread on agar-agar and OADC more H erg complements with clear. or. Coal. The plates were incubated orweeks atfordays before final CFU determined. The aerosol infection with M. tuberculosis. TKI258 VEGFR inhibitor All animal procedures were the Animal Care and Use Committee approved Institutional. Aerosol infections were performed as previously described. Briefly, week-old female Mice with M. tuberculosis Balbc HRV with the exposure system by inhalation and a phase culture broth of new paper, infected in order to create between the two. and. log cfu in the lungs of each mouse. Two Mice Of any trace of infection were human ofaerosol killedday after infection to determine the number of implanted bacteria in the lungs in every race. Chemotherapy. The Mice were run at random through the block and had to arms initiateddays experimental treatment after infection.
The treatment was administereddays weeks by gavage. Drug doses used were as follows: INH, RIF, PZA, TMC, RPT, MXF, PA, CFZ, LZD and. Mouse controlled The Rif-PZA receivedmonths INH, RIF tomonths followed Valproate by INH. In the experiment, the test patterns TMC PZA alone or in combination with RIF, RPT, MXF, PA, ZFC or slow release fertilizer. A group that was PAPZA RIF added in order to compare the addition of TMC and Pato RIF PZA and compare the addition of TMC and RIF PAPZA. Including the experimental design Lich is the treatment for each plan presented in the table. Combinations of RPT, MXF, PZA, TMC, TMC and TMC PAexcept PZA PAand RPT PA, which were excluded on the basis of evidence of antagonism between TMC and experience of pain.
Including the experimental design Lich is the treatment for each plan presented in the table. Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Efficacy was evaluated on the basis of lung CFU at selected Hlten times may need during the treatment and the proportion of M Mice with positive culture of a relapse after treatment. Quantitative cultures of lung homogenates were parallel on agar with and without H OADC enriched performed. Activated charcoal. The plates were incubated fordays atbefore final CFU were determined. The proportion of Mice with a relapse of the culture was positive by absorbing cohorts ofmice foradditional months after end of treatment, then get in a humane way Tet, to determine the proportion of positive cultures of the lung, M. tuberculosis, defined as byCFU detected is determined, after the coating of the entire lung homogenate on plates with five H. A least plate erg complements. Coal was used in contr l zinc like drug.