According to public authorities, this was the wish of the overwhelming majority of the relatives. However, replies concerning this point in the questionnaire 18 months after the disaster show a clear majority of no-answers. This question has evoked the most frequent written comments in the questionnaires. Figure 5. Relatives’ opinions on whether the MV Estonia should be covered with concrete or not. The 5-FU ic50 relatives who claimed to have been overlooked by the government make up ewer 80% of the total group (Figure 6). This figure may have changed since the appointment
by the government, 36 months after the disaster, of an Analysis Group to investigate the management of disaster emergency relief. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical This group gave
rise to high expectations among the relatives. In November 1998, a report from that investigation group concluded that the bodies should be retrieved and buried in Swedish soil.2 However, the government rejected the proposition.3 Figure 6. Percentage of relatives Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical who reported that they felt overlooked Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical by the government. Comments This is the first paper assessing the results of our questionnaire study. Future papers will discuss the psychiatric symptoms developed by the relatives and how the tragedy affected quality of life self-ratings. Preliminary results indicate that psychiatric symptoms were correlated with the type of familial relationship, ie, that they depended on whether the bereaved relative was a parent, partner, sibling, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical or child.8 Other publications available in English about the MV Estonia disaster include the report from the Joint Accident Investigation Commission,1 a research
report describing the psychiatric status among the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Swedish survivors 3 months after the disaster,9 as well as a chapter in a book by a Finnish psychologist describing the work of the Finnish Disaster Victims Identification Team.10 Certain limitations of the present study should be noted. No thorough investigation was performed in order to draw a comprehensive list of each victim’s close relatives. When a catastrophe occurs, there is always a question of who, among the victims’ relatives feels close or not. We have allowed the relatives to decide for themselves on this point, ic, whether they wished to participate in the survey or not. Contact with the families was established enough partly through the intervention programs held at Ersta Hospital, but mainly through a letter sent to all relatives who had been listed by the Swedish government. Further analyses will be done to identify and evaluate possible selection biases. When the first questionnaire was sent out three or four days before Christmas 1994, Ersta expected to receive many angry phone calls. Some doubt was expressed about sending the questionnaire to relatives with whom no prior contact had been made.