64 to 0 95:Eo=KpEpan(1)Energy balance, mass and momentum transfer

64 to 0.95:Eo=KpEpan(1)Energy balance, mass and momentum transfer find protocol methods require measurement and estimation of several parameters and coefficients. The energy balance method requires input data of net radiation, sensible heat flux and change of energy storage in the lake. Mass transfer and momentum transfer methods need differences in specific humidity, wind speed at different heights and mass and momentum coefficients. Combination methods as the Penman and Penman-Monteith methods are input parameter intensive. The Penman-Monteith method input requirements include measured parameters solar radiation, air temperature, humidity, wind speed and atmospheric pressure. The method also requires derived parameters air density, canopy resistance, aerodynamic resistance, vapor pressure deficit, psychrometric constant, slope of saturation vapor pressure curve and heat storage.

Additionally, estimated parameters as stomatal resistance, leaf area index, cover height, displacement height, aerodynamic roughness, momentum roughness height and heat capacity are needed for vegetated surfaces. Radiation and temperature based methods are less input data demanding.Lysimeter Study of Wetland Evapotranspiration and Open Water EvaporationA two-year lysimeter study of evapotranspiration in three wetland environments (cattails, mixed vegetation marsh, and open water/algae) was conducted in the Everglades Nutrient Removal Project, a constructed wetland in south Florida (26�� 38�� N, 80�� 25�� W), USA. The study was conducted between 1993 and 1996 [16-20].

Figure 1 shows cattail, mixed vegetation, and open water lysimeters in the Everglades Nutrient Removal constructed wetland. The design of the lysimeter system is presented in Abtew and Hardee [21]. The results of the study were applied to test and calibrate six evapotranspiration estimation models: Penman-Monteith, Penman-Combination, Priestly-Taylor, Modified Turc, Radiation/Tmax, and Radiation (Simple) methods. It was indicated that the outputs from the Simple method was comparable to the observed potential evapotranspiration in the three different experimental studies. The Simple Method required a single measured parameter and achieved comparable performance to the complex methods with numerous input requirements.Figure 1.Automated lysimeters in three surface covers (a) cattails, (b) mixed marsh and (c) open water.2.?Methodology2.1. The Simple or Abtew MethodInput data requirements increase from the Simple Method to the Penman-Monteith Method. In South Florida, most of the variance (73 percent) in daily evapotranspiration is explained by solar radiation alone. The effect of humidity and wind speed in estimating ET is relatively minimal.

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