2 Barring a few smaller studies3 4 from the southern part of Indi

2 Barring a few smaller studies3 4 from the southern part of India, we do not have any studies that document the dietary contents of patients with T2DM from across India. There was a need to conduct a dietary survey considering

antagonist FTY720 the diverse dietary food habits in various parts of India. The objective of this study (STARCH: Study To Assess the dietaRy CarboHydrate content of Indian type-2 diabetes population) was to assess the total and complex carbohydrate (CHO) contents in the daily diet of T2DM participants. Our study not only provides preliminary information on the dietary carbohydrate, fat and protein contribution in food consumed by T2DM participants but also shows how it compares with non-T2DM participants from pan India. Research design and methods Study design and study participants Our study was an exploratory cross-sectional, single-visit, two-arm, multicentre, single-country survey. Study participants were enrolled (from March 2012 to September 2012) from 10 sites across all regions of India, viz; East, North, West, South and central, considering different dietary patterns. Participants were enrolled from endocrinology/diabetology clinics/hospitals with clinical research facilities during routine outpatient visits. Study participants were not provided with any incentives for participation

in the study. Participants aged ≥18 years of either sex, diagnosed with T2DM for at least 12 months, were eligible in the T2DM group, whereas participants not on any diet plan or dietary advice and who visited for acute illnesses/conditions that do not affect inclusion in the survey were included in the non-T2DM group. Moreover, non-T2DM participants were matched to T2DM participants with respect to age, sex and centre. Patients with specific comorbidities that may impact daily diet, with chronic diseases, or a weight management plan that includes

dietary modifications or dietary alterations were excluded from the study. All participants provided written informed consent. Dietary survey methodology A dietary survey form, a 3-day dietary recall, and a validated Food Frequency Drug_discovery Questionnaire (FFQ) were completed by a qualified dietitian or trained study coordinator. Dietary assessment included general dietary information (vegetarian or mixed), status of diet plan advised by the physician, and information about dietary patterns for both groups with the help of the dietary survey form, which included questions about the diet consumed during two typical working days and during one typical weekend day (usually Sunday). The final dietary assessment was done using the 3-day dietary recall data. Primary and secondary outcomes Primary outcome variables were the percentage of total energy intake as total CHO and complex CHO intake from total CHO in the T2DM group.

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