At the other

At the other Birinapant solubility dmso extreme, high-amplitude waves occurred

in unison across the brain. Nearly all waves fell somewhere along this gradual continuum, with most waves being more local than global given our working definition. Finally, we examined whether specific pairs of brain structures had a strong tendency to express local slow waves concordantly and whether particular brain regions had a strong degree of involvement in slow waves (Figure 4E). Medial prefrontal regions, such as the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex, were typically more involved than regions in MTL. In addition, homotopic cortical regions across hemispheres tended to be concordant in prefrontal cortex (but not MTL), and there was a slight bias of regions in the left hemisphere to be more involved in slow waves. Our results thus far demonstrate that slow waves, this website the most prominent EEG event of NREM sleep, occur mostly

locally. This finding suggests that sleep, which usually is associated with highly synchronized activity, has an important local component. We thus wondered whether sleep spindles, the other hallmark of NREM sleep EEG (Loomis et al., 1935), also occur locally. Spindles are generated in the highly interconnected thalamic reticular nucleus, and the neocortex governs their synchronization through corticothalamic projections (McCormick and Bal, 1997 and Steriade, 2003). Asynchronous

spindles were reported in nonphysiological conditions (Contreras et al., 1996, Contreras et al., 1997 and Gottselig et al., 2002). To examine this issue, spindles were detected automatically in each depth electrode separately (Experimental Procedures; Figure S5), and we examined to what extent spindles occurred concurrently across frontal and parietal channels. Examination of local versus coincident spindles was performed only in cortical sites that had regular spindle occurrences, thereby excluding the possibility that local occurrence of spindles arises merely from their total absence in remote brain structures. As defined for slow waves, we operationally define a local (global) sleep spindle as an event detected in less (more) than 50% of recording locations. Numerous incidences 4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase of sleep spindles occurring in specific brain areas were found (Figure 5A). Regional spindles occurred without spindle activity in other regions, including homotopic regions across hemispheres and regions with equivalent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) showing the same slow waves. We set out to quantitatively establish to what extent local sleep spindles occur across the entire dataset. We determined for each spindle in a given region whether spindles were present or not in other brain structures (Experimental Procedures).

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