51-53 Table 2. The number of people screening positive for subclinical psychotic experiences
who needed to be treated to prevent one case of full-blown psychotic disorder, as a function of the predictive value of the test and the success rate of the prodromal treatment … For screening and prevention of schizophrenia, not much can be done with predictive and www.selleckchem.com/Caspase.html diagnostic values of 4 of 8 %. Cans these values be improved? The conclusion so far has been very simple: it is very difficult to predict or diagnose a rare disease in the general population on the basis of a test Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical resembling some precursor phenomenon. Is it possible to improve on this state of affairs? The answer to this question
is yes, and the strategy to follow is to change schizophrenia from a rare disease to a common disease: if instead of 1%, the prevalence of schizophrenia were 50%, the predictive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical value of any test, even pointing at random to a person with one’s eyes closed, would be at least 50%, clearly Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a much more attractive situation epidemiological than the 8% probability reported above. As of course the incidence and prevalence of schizophrenia cannot be changed, some indirect manipulation must be employed in order to make the disease more “predictable.” Below, three possible strategies will be described. Raising the rate of schizophrenia by changing the context of risk In the previous sections, the predictive and diagnostic values of a single predictor, subclinical psychotic experiences, were examined. However, if there are other predictors, and their Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical effects are additive, the predictive value will increase accordingly,
as illustrated in Figure 4. The problem with this strategy, however, is that Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical although the combination of predictors into a single criterion will make schizophrenia more predictable, it will also apply to fewer patients (Figure 4). For example, if a family history of schizophrenia is used as an additional criterion for prediction, mafosfamide the maximum proportion of all future schizophrenia patients that can be predicted is 20%, as only 20% of all patients with schizophrenia have a positive family history. Therefore, the more predictors one combines, the greater the probability that a transition to psychotic disorder is going to take place in the near future, but also the greater the probability that this is not relevant for the bulk of schizophrenia cases that one is trying to prevent from occurring. In the case of a deadly disease for which a curative treatment existed in the prodromal phase, the strategy of combining predictors to enhance specificity at the expense of sensitivity would be disastrous, as one would need to reduce the number of false-negatives to an absolute minimum.